Sebastian Turns One

He’s tender and bashful, but boyish and brute…

Impossibly clever and cunningly cute.

Meet Sebastian.

Sebastian just turned one!

I first met Sebastian and his parents as a newborn client, at only a few days old, when curled up he fit in my two hands. I was so happy to hear from Sebastian’s mum Bec recently with news she would like to me to photograph her family again, to celebrate Sebastian’s first birthday! My my, how time flies…

Together we chose the location of The Secret Garden, a magical area in Perth’s North, for their session to take place. This is the first time I have visited this stunning location, and boy did we create some magic! Seb and his parents are naturals in front of the camera, and I was very fortunate to photograph for this beautiful little family again!


A Day of Autumn


Mason, Ethan & Emily